Built Up (Ephesians 1 & 2) CD Vol 40 by Heart Song Singables

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The entire chapters of Ephesians 1 & 2, a musical word-for-word from the authorized KJV Bible verses.  Scripture Songs, sung and accompanied with guitar, violin, flute, whistle, and keyboard.  An easy way to memorize 2 chapters of the Bible!


 1. Paul An Apostle


 2. Grace Be to You


 3. Blessed Be


 4. He Hath Chosen Us in Him


 5. In Whom


 6. He Hath Abounded


 7. In Christ We Have Obtained


 8. I Cease Not to Give Thanks


 9. Gods Mighty Power


 10. God Hath Put


 11. And You


 12. God Who Is Rich in Mercy


 13. For By Grace


 14. Wherefore Remember


 15. But Now In Christ Jesus


 16. He is Our Peace


 17. Having Abolished


 18. And That He Might


 19. For Through Him


 20. Now Therefore


 21. And Are Built


 22. In Whom All the Building


 23. In Whom Ye Also

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