Comfort CD/MP3 Vol 49 by Heart Song Singables

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KJV Scripture Songs, sung and accompanied with keyboard, flute, violin and guitar.  An easy way to memorize verses from the Bible!


 1. Blessed be God - II Cor 1 3-4


 2. Now Our Lord - II Thes 2 16-17


 3. Come Unto Me - Mt 11 28-29


 4. How Precious are Thy Thoughts - Ps 139 17


 5. Comfort Yourselves - II Tim 1 13 I Thes 5 11-13


 6. The Lord Upholdeth - Ps 145 14


 7. Unto the Upright - Ps 112 1 3-6


 8. I Am Filled with Comfort - II Cor 7 4b-6a


 9. The Name of the Lord - Pr 18 10


 10. Thou Wilt Keep Him - Isa 263-4


 11. He Shall Feed His Flock - Isa 40 11


 12. Hast Thou Not Known - Isa 40 28-29


 13. Fear Thou Not - Isa 41 10


 14. The Lord God Will Help Me - Isa 50 7


 15. He is Our Peace - Eph 2 14


 16. The Lord is My Light - Ps 27 1


 17. The Lord the Lord - Deut 31 8


 18. I Know the Thoughts - Jer 29 11-13


 19. The God of All Grace - I Pet 5 10-11


 20. Peace be Unto You - Jn 20 19b


 21. We Faint Not - II Cor 3 12a 4 16-18


 22. I Waited Patiently - Ps 40 1-2


 23. My Grace is Sufficient - II Cor 12 9-10


 24. Peace I Leave With You - Jn 14 25-27


 25. Peace Be to the Brethren - Eph 6 23-24


 26. Unto Thee O My Strength - Ps 59 16-17


 27. The Lord Shall Guide Thee - Isa 58 11-12


 28. The Grace of the Lord - II Cor 13 14


 29. The Lord is Gracious - Ps 111 1-6


 30. But When the Comforter - Jn 15 26-27


 31. I Will Hope - Ps 71 14-18


 32. I Will be With Thee - Isa 43 2


 33. I Will Carry You - Isa 43 2


 34. The Lord Bless Thee - Num 6 24-26


 35. I Will Lay me Down - Ps 4 8 32 7


 36. In the Multitude - Ps 94 17-19

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