Heavenly Treasures CD Vol 16 by Heart Song Singables

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Includes female vocals, keyboard, flute and guitar.

1. Lay Not up for Yourselves - Mt 6:19-21 & 33
2. The Rich and the Poor - Pr 22:2 & 16
3. The Rich Man's Wealth - Pr 18:11 & 12
4. To This Man Will I Look - Isa. 66:2b
5. A Little... Ps 37:16 & 17
6. He That Loveth Pleasure - Pr 21:17 & 20
7. Be Not Slothful in Business - Rm 12:11-15
8. Godliness with Contentment - I Tim 6:6-8
9. Take Heed - Lk 12:15
10. In A Great House - II Tim 2:20 & 21
11. Watch ye, For Ye Know Not When - Mk 13:35-37
12. They That Will Be Rich - Tim 6:9-11
13. In the House of the Righteous - Pr 15:6 & 16
14. He That is Faithful - Lk 16:10-13
15. Whatsoever Thy Hand Findeth to Do - Eccl 9:10a & Col 3:23-25
16. I Know That the Lord Will - Ps 140:12 & 13
17. The Turning Away - Pr 1:32 & 33
18. Seek Not What Ye Shall Eat - Lk 12:29-31
19. In Christ We Have Obtained - Eph 1:1, 13 & 14
20. The Desire of the SLothful - Pr 21:25 & 26
21. What Shall It Profit a Man - Mk 8:36-38
22. Charge Them That Are Rich - I Tim 6:17-19
23. The Lord Recompense Thy Work - Ruth 2:12
24. Children Are a Heritage - Ps 127:3 & Pr 10:22

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