Knit Together (Colossians 1 & 2) CD Vol 36 by Heart Song Singables

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Memorize 2 entire KJV Bible chapters! Word for word from the KJV Bible scripture verses from Colossians 1 & 2.  Includes a mix of male/female/child vocals accompanied by guitar, keyboard, and violin.


 1. Paul An Apostle


 2. We Give Thanks


 3. For the Hope


 4. We Pray for You


 5. We Pray for You to be Strengthened


 6. Who Hath Delivered Us


 7. By Him


 8. And He is the Head


 9. And Having Made Peace


 10. Continue in the Faith


 11. Who Now Rejoice


 12. Whereof I Am Made


 13. Christ In You


 14. For I Would That Ye Knew


 15. And This I Say


 16. So Walk Ye In Him


 17. Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You


 18. For In Him


 19. In Him Also


 20. And You


 21. And Having Spoiled


 22. Let No Man Therefore


 23. Let No Man Beguile


 24. Wherefore if Ye Be

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