Knowing Him CD Vol 19 by Heart Song Singables

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An easy way to learn 56 KJV Bible verses - Includes vocals, guitar, keyboard, and violin

1. Great is the Mystery - 1 Tim 3:16
2. I Am God - Isa 46:9 & 10
3. We Know - 1 Jn 5:20
4. The Lord is in His Holy Temple - Ps 11:4-7
5. Great is the Lord - Ps 48:1-3
6. Do Not I Fill Heaven - Jer 23:24
7. In the Beginning Was the Word - Jn 1:1-5
8. The Lord Sendeth Forth - Ps 147:15-18 & 20b
9. Unto All People - Dan 4:1b 2 & 3
10. Is There Anything - Jer 32:27 & Isa 50:2b
11. Lift Up Your Heads - Ps 24:7-10
12. To Us There Is But One God - 1 Cor 8:6
13. There Is Non - 1 Sam 2:2
14. That I May Know Him - Phil 3:10 & 11
15. By Him - col 1:16 & 17
16. The Counsel of the Lord - Ps 33:11
17. God That Made the World - Acts 17:24 & 25
18. I Desired Mercy - Hos 6:6
19. Who Hath Ascended Up - Pr 30:4
20. Great and Marvelous - Rev 15:3b & 4
21. Arise and Go Down to the Potters House - Jer 18:2-6
22. The Lord is Longsuffering - Num 14:18
23. This God is Our God - Ps 48:14
24. Now Unto the King - 1 Tim 1:17
25. The Lord is Gracious - Ps 111:1-6

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