Patience Mp3 Vol 31 by Heart Song Singables



An easy way to learn 64 Bible verses! All scripture from KJV.  Includes vocals, keyboard and guitar.

1. We Are Saved By Hope
2. Lay Aside Every Weight
3. God Will Render
4. The Patient In Spirit Is Better
5. Happy
6. In Your Patience
7. On The Good Ground
8. He That Covereth A Transgression
9. The Servant of the Lord
10. Rest In The Lord
11. I Have Learned
12. We Desire
13. They That Will Be Rich
14. Count It all Joy
15. Be Not Ignorant
16. As Workers Together
17. Giving All Diligence
18. Let Your Speech
19. Now The God of Patience
20. The Fruit of the Spirit
21. The Lord is Faithful
22. We Exhort You Brethren
23. Therefore Being Justified
24. Cast Not Away Your Confidence
25. Where Envying And Strife Is
26. We Pray For You
27. Whatsoever Things Were Written
28. Be Patient Therefore Brethren

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