Provision and Blessing CD Vol 4 by Heart Song Singables

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An easy way to learn KJV Bible verses! Female vocals accompanied by guitar

1. His Seed Shall be Mighty - Ps 112:2
2. I Am the Bread of Life - Jn 6:35
3. The Lord Will Be a Refuge - Ps 9:9-11
4. God is Able - 11 Cor 9:8
5. The Eyes of the Lord - Ps 34:15-17
6. Cause Me to Hear Thy Loving kindness - Ps 143:8
7. Therefore With Joy Shall Ye Draw Water - Isa 12:3 & Rev 22:17
8. Thy Words Were Found - Jer 15:16
9. Whereby Are Given Unto Us - 11 Pet 1:4
10. Blessed Are ye - Mt 5:3-12
11. Restore the Soul of Thy Servant - Ps 86:4 & 107:9
12. A Good Man - Pr 12:2a & 3
13. My God Shall Supply - Phil 4:19
14. I Will Praise Thee - ps 139:14-16a
15. Blessed is He that Considereth the Poor - Ps 41:1&2
16. Children Obey Your Parents - Eph 6:1-3
17. Since the Beginning of the World - Isa 64:4
18. As for God His Way is Perfect - 11 Sam 22:31
19. This is the Confidence - 1 Jn 5:14&15
20. The Desire Accomplished - Pr 13:19, 21 & 22
21. As Arrows - Ps 127:3&4
22. Eye Hath Not Seen - 1 Cor 2:9&10

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