Stories of Faith & Courage Vol 1, 2, 3, & 4 - Audio MP3 Flash

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COMPLETE AUDIO SET - Audio MP3 Flash drive of the books Stories of Faith & Courage, including Vol 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Clearly narrated by Apostolic Christian brothers who are closely connected with the accounts, the stories come alive and engage the listener.  They are read in sequence with occasional music clips for easy listening.  Each account has its own track(s) so it can easily be found. These accounts contain a variety of Nazarene and Apostolic Christian experiences, some of which took place in Europe and some on American soil during the 1900s.  These true stories show how Christians walking in the light stayed true to their God despite very difficult circumstances.  They were separated from loved ones, displaced, mistreated, persecuted, imprisoned, and even killed, but they still retained their sanity and their faith.  The listener can be inspired and learn from their examples of faithfulness.  

Includes 1 mp3 flash drive with over 34 hours of listening time.

Click links to hear samples:

Vol 1 - Standing Firm (1 MB)

Vol 2 - Into Thy Hands Do I Commit Myself, Come What May (795 kb)

Vol 3 - Forty Stripes Minus One (776 kb)

Vol 4 Included (similar in audio) 


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