Sleep peacefully with 64 soothing KJV Bible verses! Includes vocals, guitar, keyboard, and violin.
1. The Lord Shall Increase You - Psalms 115:14-16
2. Because He Hath Set His Love - Psalms 91:14-16
3. There Is None - 1 Sam 2:2
4. Mark The Perfect Man - Psalms 37:37-38
5. There Hath No Temptation - 1 Cor 10:13
6. Let No Man Glory - 1 Cor 3:21,22b, & 23
7. So Is the Will of God - 1 Pet 2:15-16
8. In the Beginning Was the Word - John 1:1-5
9. Search Me - Psalm 139:23-24
10. I Will Extol - Psalm 145:1-6
11. Give Unto The Lord - Psalm 96:7-9
12. O Give Thanks - Psalm 107:1-2
13. One Thing - Psalm 27:4
14. Ye Shall Not Add - Deut 4:2
15. The Lord Shall Guide Thee - Isa 58:11-12
16. Unto Thee O My Strength - Psalm 59:16-17
17. Who Is Like Unto Thee - Ex 15:11
18. Five Sparrows - Luke 12:6-7b
19. I Will Praise Thee O Lord - Psalm 9:1-2
20. Blessed Be Thou Lord God - 1 Chr 29:10b-13
21. Alleluia - Rev 19:1b 5b 6b 7a 16b
22. Blessed Is the Man That - Psalm 1:1-3
23. With My Soul - Isa 26:9
24. Do Not I Fill Heaven - Jer 23:24
25. Praise Ye the Lord For It Is - Psalm 147:1 3 4-7
26. Be Still and Know - Psalm 46:10-11
27. The Counsel of the Lord - Psalm 33:11
28. I Will Lay Me Down - Psalm 4:8 & 32:7