Bible Comes Alive Vol 4 Audio CDS by Your Story Hour

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This twelve CD album containing 25 dramatized, audio, Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments if the fourth of 5 and completes the story of Queen Esther saving her people and begins telling the wondeful story of Jesus life including the nativy story. Other Bible characters included on this album: Job, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, and Jonah, Nicodemus, the disciples, Simon, John the Baptist. (Each CD is approximately one-hour in length.)

Stories included:

(CD 1)THE DARING ACT Esther saves her people/THE LAND OF UZ Job tested for faithfulness

(CD 2)THE CHARMING PRINCE Nebuchadnezzar becomes king/THE FOUR FRIENDS Daniel and his three friends

(CD3)IN THE KINGS COURT Daniel interpret's king's dream/THE FIERY AFFAIR AT DURA Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego thrown into fiery furnace

(CD4)SEVEN YEARS A BEAST Nebuchadnezzar forsakes God/THE BLOODLESS HAND Belshazzar's impious feast

(CD5)THE LIONS AND THE VILLIANS Daniel in the lions' den/THE MAN WHO RAN FROM GOD Jonah and the whale

(CD6)MARY OF NAZARETH Angel appears to Mary/BORN UNDER A STAR Birth of Jesus

(CD7)THE KING GROWS UP Jesus' boyhood/A VOICE IN THE DESERT John the Baptist; Jesus' baptism

(CD8)JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM First cleansing of the temple & Nicodemus/HAPPINESS IN GALILEE Miracles of Jesus

(CD9)JESUS THE HEALTER Jesus heals leper and paralytic/MATTHEW'S MAGNIFICENT PARTY Matthew becomes disciple

(CD10)TROUBLED WATER Jesus heals on sabbath/THE ROAD TO HAPPINESS Ordination of 12 disciples & Healing Roman officer's servant

(CD11)THE GREATEST MIRACLE Widow's son resurrected & simon's feast; Demon cast out/PRISONER IN A DESERT DUNGEON Death of John the Baptist

(CD12)STORY TIMES Jesus calms storm;Two demoniacs; Jairus' daughter resurrected/A BOY'S AMAZING LUNCH Jesus feeds 5000/A FISHERMAN WHO COULDN'T SWIM Peter walks on water

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