A cappella family singing, this double-length cd has 28 songs from the previous releases, He Is Here and Willing Servants.
1. He is Here
2. He's in the Midst
3. Tears are a Language
4. The Garment of the Savior
5. Here I Am
6. Still He Came
7. There's got to be a Rainbow Somewhere
8. Resurrection Morn
9. We Represent the king
10. If You Could Die for Me
11. There is a River
12. Theres still a lot of Blood at Calvary
13. Child of the Light
14. When We Pray
15. Willing Servants
16. It's under the Blood
17. Speak the Word
18. God Walks the Dark Hills
19. The king came Down
20. I Have Hope
21. The Day Weve been Waiting for
22. Imagine if You Will
23. Open the Windows
24. The Blood runs Deep
25. Mountain of sorrow
26. No Limit
27. Lord I need Your Touch
28. Great Homecoming Day