Heritage of Faith: Complete Set

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The Heritage of Faith history book is written at a junior high level, but many of the concepts presented may be best understood by those in high school.  It is designed to be taught in one semester or could be extended to two semesters.  The student workbook is a consumable with 132 pages.

This course is not intended to be all-encompassing but rather is viewed as a springboard where more learning can take place.

Developed by a team of Apostolic Christian brethren which included school teachers, historians, various elders, and those skilled in design, editing, and formatting, the Heritage of Faith course is a wonderful resource for those who wish to learn more of the history of our precious faith.

Set Includes:

1 - Heritage of Faith Textbook includes 10 units divided into 44 lessons, from the beginning of the Apostolic Christian Church in the 1800's in Europe and follows its development and spread across America.  357 pages.   Table of Contents    Excerpts

1 - Teacher's Guide to the Heritage of Faith History course, 366 pages; includes course explanation with 44 lesson plans, vocabulary and review activities, and assessments.  Teaching helps, discussion questions, and timeline/map activities are also included.  Teacher's Guide Excerpts

1 - Student Workbook includes vocabulary, review, timeline, and map activities.  132 pages Student Workbook Excerpt

1 - Timeline (small) is color-coded and includes major events of 2000 years of Christian history, ending with the development of the Apostolic Christian Church in Europe and America. 16' long, 6.5" x 10.5" sheets

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