Homemade With Love - Fairview Haven Cookbook in PDF and ePub

  • Homemade With Love - Fairview Haven Cookbook in PDF and ePub
  • Homemade With Love - Fairview Haven Cookbook in PDF and ePub
  • Homemade With Love - Fairview Haven Cookbook in PDF and ePub
  • Homemade With Love - Fairview Haven Cookbook in PDF and ePub
  • Homemade With Love - Fairview Haven Cookbook in PDF and ePub


DOWNLOAD ONLY: 350 Pages of tried-and-true recipes of good home-cookin'!  Also includes shortcuts, substitutions, and equivalent reference section in the back. 

Available for download as a PDF for computer, or ePub file for Nook, Sony, iPad, etc.  Includes a clickable Table of Contents, plus it is optimized and formatted for searching.  Search by ingredient, title, page number, any word or phrase, or by clicking on Table of Contents.  Easily print your favorite recipes too!

As Fairview Haven retirement center celebrated its 25th anniversary, this cook book was created with all profits returning to the Good Samaritan fund at Fairview Haven.  Recipes were donated from many sources, including members of the Forrest, Fairbury, Cissna Park, and Gridley churches, plus residents, staff, and relatives of Fairview Haven.  To learn more about Fairview Haven, visit www.fairviewhaven.org.

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