Hymns MP3 by Covenant Chamber Choir



Full choir sound recorded in a chapel; beautiful harmony of many favorite hymns

1. Holy Holy Holy
2. Our Shepherd nad King
3. The Faithful Shepherd
4. Amazing Grace
5. Jesus, I come
6. What Did He Do
7. Arise, My Soul
8. Whiter Than Snow
9. There's Power in the Blood
10. It is Well
11. What a Friend
12. My Jesus, I Love Thee
13. Be Still My Soul
14. Glory to God in the Highest
15. Bring Forth Songs of Praise
16. Laudamus
17. Praise Ye the Lord
18. Hear our Prayer, O Lord
19. My Faith Looks Up to Thee
20. Nearer Still Nearer
21. Blessed Assurance
22. Benediction

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