Reverent hymns on the Pipe Organ
1. Lift Your Glad Voices
2. This Is My Father's World
3. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
4. Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
5. Beneath The Cross of Jesus
6. The Lord's My Shepherd
7. When Peace Like a River
8. Nearer Still Nearer
9. Sweet Hour of Prayer
10. O God, Our Help
11. Blessed Assurance
12. I Sing The Mighty Power of God
13. The Music of Heaven
14. How Firm a Foundation
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1. Lift Your Glad Voices
2. This Is My Father's World
3. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
4. Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
5. Beneath The Cross of Jesus
6. The Lord's My Shepherd
7. When Peace Like a River
8. Nearer Still Nearer
9. Sweet Hour of Prayer
10. O God, Our Help
11. Blessed Assurance
12. I Sing The Mighty Power of God
13. The Music of Heaven
14. How Firm a Foundation