Mind Menders CD Vol 3 by Heart Song Singables

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An easy way to learn KJV Bible verses! Scripture set to melody, includes female vocals, guitar, flute, piano.

1. Think on These Things - Phil 4:8
2. The Servant of the Lord - 11 Tim 2:24-26
3. Take No Thought For Your Life - Mt 6:25&26
4. Beloved Think it Not Strange - Pet 4:12&13
5. For the Word of God is Quick & Powerful - Heb 4:12
6. Blessed is the Man That Endureth - Js 1:12
7. Be Ye All of One Mind - 1 Pet 3:8&9
8. I Am Persuaded - Rom 8:39
9. The Thought of Foolishness is Sin - Pr 24:9
10. He Will Abundantly Pardon - Isa. 55:7
11. We are Troubled on Every Side - 11 Cor 4:8-10
12. Brethren, Give Diligence - 11 Pet 1:10
13. Be Sober, Be Vigilant - 1 Pet 5:8
14. We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood - Eph 6:12
15. Wherefore Take Unto You the Whole Armor - Eph 6:13
16. Stand Therefore - Eph 6:14-18
17. Be Ye Steadfast - 1 Cor 15:58
18. Put Off Concerning the Former Conversation - Eph 4:22-24
19. We Pray Always for You - 11 Thes 1:11 & 12
20. All Things Work Together for Good - Rom 8:27&28

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