Pleasing Him CD Vol 18 by Heart Song Singables

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KJV Bible scriptures are set to music, making it easy to memorize Bible verses.  Includes vocals, flute, guitar, and keyboard.

1.  I Do Always - Jn 8:28 & 29
2.  Sin Shall Not Have Dominion - Rm 6:14 & 15
3.  Mark the Perfect Man - Ps 37:37 & 38
4.  Depart From Evil - Ps 37:27 & 28a
5.  My Meat - Jn 4:34 & 5:36b
6.  Blessed Are They - Lk 11:28b; jn 5:24
7.  If Ye Forgive Men - Mt 6:14 & 15
8.  Grieve Not the Holy Spirit - Eph 4:30
9.  Work Out Your Own Salvation - Phil 2:12b & 13
10.  The Spirit of Man - Pr 20:27 & 30
11.  Do All Things - Phil 2:14, 15, & 16a
12.  Who is My Mother - Mt 12:48b & 50
13.  Reckon Ye Yourselves - Rm 6:11-13
14.  Let Him That Stole - Eph 4:28
15.  They That are After the Flesh - Rm 8:5 & 6
16.  Ye Are Not in the Flesh - Rm 8:8-10
17.  Though We Walk - 2 Cor 10:3 & 4
18.  My Little Children - 1 Jn 2:1 & 2
19.  Receive this Child - Lk 9:48
20.  Let No Man Glory - 1 Cor 3:21, 22b, & 23
21.  For the Grace of God - tit 2:11-14
22.  The Fear of the Lord - Ps 111:10
23.  Search Me - Ps 139:23 & 24
24.  The Eyes of the Lord - 2 Chr 16:9a

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