Purity and Obedience CD Vol 2 by Heart Song Singables

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An easy way to learn KJV Bible verses! Female vocals accompanied by guitar

1. Do the Will of God From the Heart - Eph 6:6-8
2. If Ye Be Risen With Christ - Col 3:1-4
3. Draw Night To God - Js 4:8
4. Lie Not - Col 3:9&10
5. Even a Child - Pr 20:11, 30:12, & 21:8
6. Put Ye on the Lord Jesus Christ - Rom 13:12-14
7. Whosoever Committeth Sin - Jn 8:34b-36
8. Order My Steps - Ps 119:133
9. The End of All Things is at Hand - I Pet 4:7-9
10. If Thine Enemy Hunger Feed Him - Rom 12:20&21
11. Create in Me a Clean Heart - Ps 51:10-13
12. Hereby We Do Know That We Know Him - I Jn 2:3-6
13. Rather Reprove Them - Eph 5:11&12
14. Having Therefore These Promises - II Cor 7:1
15. Now the Just Shall Live by Faith - Heb 20:38&39
16. He THat is Slow to Anger - Prov 16;32
17. Follow That Which is Good - III Jn 11
18. Keep Back Thy Servant - Ps 19:13
19. Present Your Bodies a Living Sacrifice - Rm 12:1&2
20. Love Not the World - 1 Jn 2:15-17
21. A High Priest - Heb 4:15
22. Pure Religion - Js 1:27
23. And the Lord Make You to Increase - 1 Thes 3:12 & 13

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