Seeking Him CD Vol 20 by Heart Song Singables

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An easy way to learn 63 KJV Bible verses - scripture set to song including vocals, guitar, keyboard, and violin.

1. I Exhort Therefore - 1 Tim 2:1-3
2. The Prayer of the Upright - Pr 15:8b, 29b, & Ps 102:17
3. Repent Ye Therefore - Acts 3:19
4. If Two of You Shall - Mt 18:19 & 20
5. Give Unto the Lord - Ps 96:7-9
6. What Man Knoweth? - 1 Cor 2:11 & 12
7. When Ye Stand Praying, Forgive - Mk 11:25 & 26
8. Arise, and be Baptized - Acts 22:16; 2:38 & 39
9. I Sought the Lord - Ps 34:4
10. With My Soul - Isa 26:9
11. Lord, Thou Wilt Ordain Peace - Isa 26:12 & 13
12. My Sheep Hear My Voice - Jn 10:27-30
13. Seek Ye the Lord - Isa 55:6, 8, & 9
14. Be Still and Know - Ps 46:10 & 11
15. It is God That Justifieth - Rm 8:33, 34, & 26
16. Lord, Make Me to Know - Ps 39:4, 7 & 12a
17. The Harvest - Mt 9:37b & 38
18. Because Thou Hast Been My Help - Ps 63:7 & 8
19. Watch Ye, and Pray - Lk 21:36
20. Seek the Lord - 1 Chr 16:8-12, 23-27 & 29b
21. The Way of the Just - Isa 26:7 & 8
22. Come - Hosea 6:1
23. O Lord, Be Gracious Unto Us - Isa 33:2, 5, & 6
24. One Thing - Ps 27:4
25. After This Manner Pray - Mt 6:9-13

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