Sing Praise CD Vol 17 by Heart Song Singables

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An easy way to memorize scripture, these KJV Bible verses are set to music including vocals, guitar, keyboard, harp, and violin.

1. Sing Praises - Ps. 47:6-8 &9b
2. O Give Thanks - Ps. 107:1 &2 
3. The Lord Liveth - Ps. 18:46 & 49 
4. Unto Thee O My Strength - Ps. 59:16 & 17
5. Thou Art Worthy - Rev.4:11; 7:12
6. I Will Extol Thee - Ps. 145:1-6 
7. O Sing Unto the Lord - Ps. 96:1-4
8. I Will Praise Thee, O Lord - Ps. 9:1 & 2 
9. Praise Ye the Lord, O My Soul - Ps. 146:1 & 2 
10. I Will Praise the Lord- Ps. 7:17 & 21:13
11. Alleluia - Rev. 19:1b, 5b, 6b. 7a, &16b
12. Blessed Be Thou, Lord God 
13. Who Is Like Unto Thee? - Ex. 15:11
14. The Heavens Declare the Glory - I Chr. 29:10b-13 - Ps. 19:1
15. I Will Praise Thee - Ps. 57:9-11
16. Praise Ye the Lord: For It is Good - Ps. 147:1, 3, 4-7
17. Sing Unto God, Sing Praises - Ps. 68:4-6 
18. Stand Up - Neh. 9:5b &6
19. Psalm 117 - Ps. 117:1 &2
20. Praise Ye the Lord. Praise O Ye Servants - Ps. 113:1-5
21. O God, Thou Art Awesome - Ps.68:35 
22. I Will Bless the Lord - Ps 34:1-3
23. Psalm 150 - Ps. 150:1-6

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