Softer Than Velvet, Stronger Than Steel

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If truth is suppressed, can liberty survive?

The Scripture is fairly clear: "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

An angry teenager, AJ Franklin, battles doubt and confusion, trying to reconnect with his secure childhood.  His sister and others try to help him overcome past hurts, at times to no avail.

"Oh, right, forgiveness! Sure, just like that! Forget it ever happened!"

"No, AJ, I didn't say forget!"

Searching for the essence of liberty while sifting through societal erosion, AJ wrestles with the tenets of bondage and liberty.  Voices, past and present, tug at his innermost being.  Only when he is completely yielded is he able to discern between the two, allowing him to choose the one that sweeps him toward his date with destiny.

--- 141 pages, softcover

The author was born and raised in a farming community near Cissna Park, IL, the Land of Lincoln, during the '50s and '60s.  Like the "amber waves of grain," patriotism swayed freely in post-WWII America.

Wayne and Gloria (his wife of forty-five years) have two children and eight grandchildren.  He has published one book previously, " a tale that is told."

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