Sweet Dreams Vol 2 CD by Heart Song Singables

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Includes female vocals, keyboard, flute and guitar.

1. Peace Be unto You - Jn 20:19b
2. He Shall Feed His Flock - Isa 40:11
3. The Sheep Hear - Jn 10:3b-5
4. We Faint Not - 2 Cor 3:12a, 4:16-18
5. My Grace is Sufficient - 2 Cor 12:9 & 10
6. Peace be to the Brethren - Eph 6:23 & 24
7. Now the Lord of Peace - 2 Thes 3:16
8. To the Counselors of Peace - Pr 12:20b, 11:25
9. The Grace of the Lord - 2 Cor 13:14
10. The Goodness of God - Ps 52:1b; 136:1-4
11. Now Our Lord - 2 Thes 2:16 & 17
12. Peace I Leave With You - Jn 14:25-27
13. Now Unto Him - Eph 3:20 & 21
14. Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace - Isa 26:3 & 4
15. The Lord Redeemeth - Ps 34:22
16. I Will Look Unto the Lord - Micah 7:7
17. The Lord Recompense Thy Work - Ruth 2:12
18. Grace Be to You - Gal 1:3
19. I Know That the Lord Will - Ps 140:12 & 13
20. Help Us oh God - Ps 79:9 & 13
21. Bless the Lord, O My Soul - Ps 103:1-5
22. Thou, O Lord - Ps 86:15, 16a, & 17
23. I Will Lay Me Down In Peace and Sleep - Ps 4:8, 32:7

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