Includes female vocals, keyboard, flute and guitar.
1. Get Wisdom, Get Understanding - Pr 4:5-7
2. The Ear That Heareth - Pr 15:31-33
3. Only By Pride Cometh Contention - Pr 13:10 & 20
4. Good Understanding - Pr 13:15-17
5. A Wise Man Will Hear - Pr 1:5
6. Go From the Presence of a Foolish Man - Pr 14:6-8
7. I Wisdom Dwell With Prudence - Pr 8:12, 17-21
8. The Fear of the Lord is to Hate Evil - Pr 8:13&14
9. The Law of the Wise - Pr 15:21
10. When a Wise Man... - Pr 29:9
11. They That Forsake the Law - Pr 28:4&5
12. Labor Not to Be Rich - Pr 23:4&5
13. Through Wisdom - Pr 24:4
14. The Rod and Reproof Give Wisdom - Pr 29:15
15. Comparing Themselves Are Not Wise - 11 Cor 10:12
16. Cease From Anger - Ps 37:8 & Pr 14:29
17. He That Handleth A Matter Wisely - Pr 16:20
18. A Wise Man is Strong - Pr 24:5
19. A Man's Own Folly - Pr 19:3 & 21:2&3
20. Whoso Walketh Uprightly - Pr 28:18&26
21. My Son... - Pr 6:20, 22 & 23
22. Let the Word of Christ - Col 3:16&17
23. We Pray For You - Col 1:9&10