Amazing Grace CD by Antrim Mennonite Choir

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This is an excellent CD to listen to anytime you are feeling discouraged, going through trials or problems, or anytime you need encouragement. This is also an excellent CD to give to someone who is experiencing a time of sickness or a traumatic event in their life.  CD comes in a paper sleeve.

Antrim Choir has this on the back cover: "We offer this selection of songs that your heart might be encouraged. Amidst life's complexities we do well to pause and look to the Creator God for answers. Allow the old hymns such as 'Amazing Grace,' 'Just As I Am,' and 'In The Rifted Rock I'm Resting,' to minister to you. We trust you will find these songs as peaceful and refreshing as God intended your life to be. Listen and let God minister healing to you through the message of the Messiah, Jesus Christ."


 1. Amazing Grace


 2. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say


 3. In the Rifted Rock I'm Resting


 4. Abide With Me


 5. The Lord My Shephard Is


 6. Be Not Dismayed Whate'er Betide


 7. Someone is Praying for You


 8. Shall I Come Just As I Am


 9. My Faith Looks up to Thee


 10. Rock of Ages


 11. Does Jesus Care


 12. Have You Been to Jesus


 13. It is Well With my Soul


 14. Day by Day


 15. No Disappointment in Heaven


 16. Just as I Am


 17. A Wonderful Savior


 18. City of Gold

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