One Thing I Ask CD by Dad & The Boys

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Cheerful men's small group with piano accompaniment. 

One song I had never heard before - but I instantly liked - is "Walking Through the Flames" (read the lyrics below, and be sure to listen to it too!).


 1. Men of Song


 2. We'll All Praise God


 3. Near To the Heart of God


 4. Walking Through The Flames


 5. My House is Full But My Field is Empty


 6. Enough For Me


 7. One Thing I Ask


 8. We're Going to a Mansion/Jesus Loves Me


 9. Give Ear To My Words


 10. Be Still My Soul


 11. A Shelter In the Time of Storm


 12. Ten Thousand Years


 13. In a Little While


 14. Somewhere In the Skies

Walking Through the Flames Lyrics

Many years ago In a time of woe
Three young men faced a bitter test.
For the king decreed that they not be freed,
But instead he had bound them fast
Because they would not bow the knee except to God on high.
Into the flames with great disdain, these men were thrown to die


But who would have thought that the flames would set them free?
And who would have thought that they’d gain the victory?
When with God our lot we cast,
We have more than we could ask
We’ll go walking through the flames with the Son of God.


When this evil king had performed this thing,
He sat down upon his throne.
But when he took yet a second look
He cried out with astonished tone,
“Did we not cast into the fire a group that numbered three?
Now they’re walking round as though unbound with a fourth like Deity!”



But who would have thought that the flames would set them free?
And who would have thought that they’d gain the victory?
When with God our lot we cast,
We have more than we could ask
We’ll go walking through the flames with the Son of God.

God has made it known to His very own
Tribulations they must bear.
For this world is not any friend to God.
In His cross we have a share.
But when the hour of trial comes and fire is all around
We’ll find the place we’re walking on is really holy ground.



And praise be to God that the flames will set us free
And praise be to God, we shall gain the victory.
When with God our lot we cast,
We’ll have more than we could ask.
We’ll go walking through the flames with the Son of God.

When with God our lot we cast,
We’ll have more than we could ask.
We’ll go walking, walking, walking through the flames with the Son of God.
With the Son of God!

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