Add to Cart Quick view All Sufficient God! CD by Joyful Hearts Chorus Joyful Hearts Chorus MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Full youth chorus with beautiful harmonies! 1. Holy Spirit Come 2. 10,000 Reasons 3. Be Unto Your Name 4. Awesome, Magnificent 5. There is a Redeemer 6. Only God... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Sinner Saved By Grace CD by One Way Quartet One Way Quartet MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: 1. He Made A Way 2. Source Of My Song 3. I'll Be A Friend 4. Sinner Saved By Grace 5. Give Them A Lift 6. When Peace Like A River 7. We Will Stand Our... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view How Can I Keep From Singing CD by Glory Road Glory Road MSRP: Now: F1,962 Was: Group of 7 men who blend beautifully! Recorded in 2024 1. Wonderful Merciful Saviour 2. Here I Am To Worship 3. He Is Here 4. Just a Little Talk with Jesus 5. How Deep the... MSRP: Now: F1,962 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view To This I Hold CD by The Krabill Family The Krabill Family MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Beautiful blending and uplifting music by The Krabill Family. Recorded in 2024. 1. Wonderful, Merciful Savior 2. Goodness Of God 3. The Jesus Way 4. Living Hope 5. Softly... MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Kingdom Come CD by Laudate Mennonite Ensemble Laudate Mennonite Ensemble MSRP: Now: F1,962 Was: Laudate Mennonite Ensemble is a group of vocalists who enjoy singing and using the gift of music to bring honor and glory to God and draw others to the Creator of music and singing. (Released Dec, 2023) 1. Praise to the... MSRP: Now: F1,962 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Land of Promise CD by the Nate Overholt Family Nate Overholt Family MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: This family started singing together in 2003 when their oldest children were still young. What started as good family time around the table turned into a singing ministry, mostly to the "unchurched" around them like on the streets of Nashville, TN and... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view I'm Small, I Know CD by Zion's Choir Zion's Choir MSRP: Now: F2,193 Was: Children's songs sung by the Zion's Choir. 1. Jesus Strong and Kind 2. Thank You, Lord 3. With Christ in My Vessel 4. Joy Is Like the Rain 5. Happy Am I 6. If... MSRP: Now: F2,193 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Choose Media Quick view All Thy Mercies CD/MP3 by The Masts The Masts MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: New CD in January, 2025! A cappella mixed singing by the Mast family with many old favorites along with a few originals. Mostly mixed arrangements, with one men's song and one ladies' song. 1. Oh That I Had A Thousand... MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Choose Media Quick view Each Little Flower CD/MP3 By Harmony Echoes Harmony Echoes MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Beautiful Acappella Children's Album by Harmony Echoes. Recorded in 2024. 1. Sing, Children of Bethlehem 2. Saviour, Hear Us, We Pray 3. Jesus Said of Little Children 4. All Things Bright And... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Choose Media Quick view By The Mark CD/MP3 by Blades Brothers Blades Brothers MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: 5 Brothers blend beautifully, singing accappella hymns. Recorded 2024. 1. I Have Set Watchmen 2. We Need The Light 3. Brothers In Christ 4. Till The Storm Passes By 5. By The... MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Choose Media Quick view Our Merciful God CD/MP3 by Sister Heart Sister Heart MSRP: Now: F1,385 Was: The new Sister Heart, recorded in Fairbury, IL in 2024 1. All My Boast Is In Jesus 2. There Is A Redeemer 3. God Is Great, Good, and Merciful 4. Psalm 23 5. I've Been... MSRP: Now: F1,385 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Choose Media Quick view Mercy Tree CD/MP3 by Grateful Voices Grateful Voices MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Newest album from Grateful Voices! Recorded in 2024. 1. Wonderful Grace of Jesus 2. Holy Spirit, Come 3. And Can It Be 4. Shine On Us 5. In The Garden 6. Sinner... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Choose Media Quick view Legacy Hymns Vol 1 CD/MP3 by Acapeldridge (Michael Eldridge) Acapeldridge MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: First volume in the new series, "Legacy Hymns"! Men's a cappella quartet with beautiful harmonies, and mostly traditional hymns. All 4 parts sung by Michael Eldridge; 1 song is joined by Alan Klein. Recorded in 2024. 1. Shine Jesus... MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view The Childrens Harp - Mp3 Flash Drive Various MSRP: Now: F1,155 Was: The Children's Harp Mp3 flash drive contains all 128 songs from the Children's Harp CD set. Mostly sung by children, this recording is a great way for young children to learn and sing along. Each song teaches a valuable lesson or story from the Bible.1... MSRP: Now: F1,155 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Incarnate God CD by Praise & Harmony Praise & Harmony MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Christmas CD from Praise & Harmony! 1. A Christmas Alleluia 2. All Is Well 3. Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery 4. Come, Lord Jesus 5. Come, Thou Long Expected... MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Life's Railway CD by the Martin Family Martin Family MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: 1. Complete In Thee 2. The Prayer My Mother Taught Me 3. Life's Railway to Heave 4. Working the Road 5. Why the Night 6. Lord Lead Me On 7. You Never... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Choose Media Quick view Peace CD/MP3 by Message Of Hope Message Of Hope MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Men's 4-part harmony, a cappella, with a really nice harmony and beautiful hymns. Songs include Just For Today, The Tomb Says it All, Hymn of Heaven and When I Go Home. 1. Just For Today 2. Make A Joyful... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Choose Media Quick view Jesus Loves Me CD/MP3 by Oasis Chorale Oasis Chorale MSRP: Now: F1,962 Was: "Our hope for this recording is that children will sense the love of Jesus. We pray that through these songs, they may have more confidence that the world is a place of safety and delight because their Creator is present. We want them to sing,... MSRP: Now: F1,962 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Choose Media Quick view Radiant Dawn CD/MP3 by Oasis Chorale Oasis Chorale MSRP: Now: F2,193 Was: "May the dance of text and music inspire and delight your imagination to see a bit more of the wonder of it all, the brokenness and the beauty, the territory of sin and salvation, the body and breath which are sheer gift. Such sight is possible only in... MSRP: Now: F2,193 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Choose Media Quick view The Glory of His Grace CD/MP3 by Oasis Chorale Oasis Chorale MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: "When Jesus prayed, “Our Father in heaven … your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” He has set eternity in our hearts. We long for more. The songs in this program, “The Glory of His Grace,” trace... MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Choose Media Quick view New Every Morning CD/MP3 by Oasis Chorale Oasis Chorale MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: "Oasis Chorale is delighted to bring you another album of rich music. As believers, we love singing these profound texts, set to arresting music, for an engaged audience. When all this converges with the awareness of the Spirit of... MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Faithful God by Praise & Harmony - 2 CD Set with bonus Vocalist Training Praise & Harmony MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Praise & Harmony music CD set: This 2 CD set includes a cappella congregational style worship, PLUS a small quartet of soprano, alto, tenor and bass singing the same songs. Beautiful for listening along to either group size, and also excellent... MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Living Hope CD by Sharon Singers Sharon Singers MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Sharon Singers is a mixed choir open to participants from the student body at Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute. This ever changing Mennonite choir blends well and has a youthful sound. 1. This Is the Day 2. There's a Quiet... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Come, Thou Fount by Clarion Echoes (Ashland Bible School Chorus) Clarion Echoes MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Recorded by Clarion Echoes, the Ashland Bible School Chorus (1st & 2nd terms - 2024) blends nicely, singing mostly familiar hymns. 1. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 2. Arise, My Soul, Arise 3. Jesus,... MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view The Sands of Time by Clarion Echoes (Ashland Bible School Chorus) Clarion Echoes MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Recorded by Clarion Echoes, the Ashland Bible School Chorus (3rd & 4th terms - 2024) blends nicely, singing mostly familiar hymns. 1. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee 2. The Lord Is My Shepherd 3. This Is My... MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Overwhelming God by Praise & Harmony - 2 CD Set with bonus Vocalist Training Praise & Harmony MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Praise & Harmony music CD set: This 2 CD set includes a cappella congregational style worship, PLUS a small quartet of soprano, alto, tenor and bass singing the same songs. Beautiful for listening along to either group size, and also excellent... MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view One God by Praise & Harmony - 2 CD Set with bonus Vocalist Training Praise & Harmony MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Praise & Harmony music CD set: This 2 CD set includes a cappella congregational style worship, PLUS a small quartet of soprano, alto, tenor and bass singing the same songs. Beautiful for listening along to either group size, and also excellent... MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Lamb of God by Praise & Harmony - 2 CD Set with bonus Vocalist Training Praise & Harmony MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Praise & Harmony music CD set: This 2 CD set includes a cappella congregational style worship, PLUS a small quartet of soprano, alto, tenor and bass singing the same songs. Beautiful for listening along to either group size, and also excellent... MSRP: Now: F2,309 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view There Is A God MP3 by Young Adult Choir Sing Young Adult Choir Sing MSRP: Now: F1,038 Was: Large A Capella Mixed Chorus of single group singers singing hymns and contemporary songs, second in a series. #1 All People That On Earth#2 Thy Meadow#3 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come#4 Our God, He Is Alive#5 For God So Loved The World#6 Bring... MSRP: Now: F1,038 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
On Sale Choose Media Quick view There Is A God CD/MP3 by Young Adult Choir Sing Young Adult Choir Sing MSRP: Now: F1,154 Was: F1,385 Large A Capella Mixed Chorus of single group singers singing hymns and contemporary songs, second in a series. #1 All People That On Earth#2 Thy Meadow#3 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come#4 Our God, He Is Alive#5 For God So Loved The World#6 Bring... MSRP: Now: F1,154 Was: F1,385 Choose Media Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Hear My Song Lord MP3 by New Heights Quartet New Heights Quartet MSRP: Now: F1,269 Was: Men's a cappella quartet with beautiful arrangements of hymns. 1. Hear My Song Lord 2. Sweetest Name of All 3. Hear the Call of the Kingdom 4. Deep and Wide 5. The... MSRP: Now: F1,269 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Choose Media Quick view Hear My Song Lord CD/MP3 by New Heights Quartet New Heights Quartet MSRP: Now: F1,962 Was: Men's a cappella quartet with beautiful arrangements of hymns. 1. Hear My Song Lord 2. Sweetest Name of All 3. Hear the Call of the Kingdom 4. Deep and Wide 5. The... MSRP: Now: F1,962 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Hope Renewed CD by Joyful Hearts Chorus Joyful Hearts Chorus MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Full youth chorus with beautiful harmonies! 1. Sweet, Sweet Spirit 2. Never Once 3. He Gives Us More Grace 4. Lord, I Give My Heart to You 5. Don't Be Afraid 6... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Choose Media Quick view One Step at a Time CD/MP3 by Messengers For Christ Messengers For Christ MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Men's a cappella quartet with a beautiful blend of voices singing old favorites along with a few new melodies. 1. Blood Washed Band 2. Shine Jesus Shine 3. Come Thou Fount 4. Lifes Railway To... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Choose Media Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view In Christ Alone MP3 by Covenant Chamber Choir Covenant Chamber Choir MSRP: Now: F1,385 Was: A Capella Mixed Chorus singing hymns and choral songs; includes two songs (#7 & #13) with piano accompaniment. 1. Think On These Things 2. In Christ Alone 3. Born To Praise the Lord 4. O the... MSRP: Now: F1,385 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
On Sale Choose Media Quick view In Christ Alone CD/MP3 by Covenant Chamber Choir Covenant Chamber Choir MSRP: Now: F1,385 Was: F1,731 A Capella Mixed Chorus singing hymns and choral songs; includes two songs (#7 & #13) with piano accompaniment. 1. Think On These Things 2. In Christ Alone 3. Born To Praise the Lord 4. O the... MSRP: Now: F1,385 Was: F1,731 Choose Media Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view One Holy Lamb by Singing Servants Quartet Singing Servants Quartet MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Men's a cappella quartet with beautiful arrangements of songs. including "He's in the Midst", "Yes, I Know","Footsteps of Jesus" and "Meet Me Over on the Other Side". 1. Let the Church Arise 2. He's in the Midst 3. One... MSRP: Now: F1,847 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Follow Me by Tapestry Chamber Singers Tapestery Chamber Singers MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: This CD is part 1 of a 2-CD set that offers songs from the songbook "Follow Me" in a beautiful recording. A great way for anyone to learn singable songs, all with words from Jesus' teachings. 1. For God So Loved the World 2... MSRP: Now: F1,731 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Jewels For His Crown CD by Goodfield Apostolic Christian Church Choir Goodfield Apostolic Christian Church Choir MSRP: Now: F1,385 Was: Mixed Choir singing hymns and traditional songs A Capella. 1. Come, Holy Spirit 2. Behold The Empty Tomb 3. The Gentle Stranger 4. He Touched Me 5. He Looked Beyond My Fault... MSRP: Now: F1,385 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
On Sale Choose Media Quick view All Hail The Power CD/MP3 by Roanoke Apostolic Christian Men's Choir Roanoke Apostolic Christian Men's Choir MSRP: Now: F1,154 Was: F1,385 Medium size Men’s Chorus singing hymns and men’s quartet songs A Capella. 1. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name 2. Just As I Am 3. The Heavens Are Praising 4. Seeking the... MSRP: Now: F1,154 Was: F1,385 Choose Media Quick view