Good Taste Vol 2 CD/MP3 by Melt the Heart - Various

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A Delicious Variety - 20 Flavors of A CAPPELLA Christian Music

A delicious variety of God-honoring Christian music available at Melt the Heart, ALL A CAPPELLA from a selection of men's groups, women's groups, and family groups.  A great way to taste 20 different flavors of music groups!  This album is the second in a series.

100% is donated to charity

Each music group has partnered with Melt the Heart to donate 100% of net proceeds to charity.  The selected charity from now until April 30, 2016 is Midwest Food Bank, a nonprofit which feeds the hungry in the USA and abroad.  MFB is an outstanding charity, which now has the #1 rating among food banks nationally at Charity Navigator.  To learn more about this mission, please visit or read more below.

NOTE: This item is a CD.  To purchase the MP3 Download of this product, please click here 

  Song Titles CD Album Found On CD Music Group Music Type
1 Home - A simple and inspiring reminder of what the true Christian longs for: Home!  As you listen, the sincerity and heart of this group shines through; they sing out of trial, out of great loss; and yet they still sing, praising and encouraging all to press on toward the final reunion: Home! The Sands of Time The Eshes Family Group
2 O Let All Who Thirst - This song speaks of peace to the weary soul; both word and voice emphasize the loving invitation from Jesus Christ, the fountain of water and healing, freely available to all.  A lovely arrangement allows the men to sing lead on the second verse, with the women harmonizing. But Continue Thou CD Joyful Hearts Youth Choir
3 What is Truth? - A beautiful, poetic blend of words and voices; a powerful call to discover what is truth, with advanced yet pleasing harmonics.  A men's quartet with rich, smooth voice  I Am The Vine CD For His Glory Publishing Men's Quartet
Open Wide The Gates - Sung by a full chorus of voices, a picture comes to mind of the very words they sing…  "Around him sings the mighty throng… in freedom now rejoicing!  Once they were bound, but now are free!"   Zion's Harp CD 1  Various  Mixed Choir
Mountains And Valleys - Life lays before us, a contrast of trial and grace… with God's help over all.  Sung by a family group, who capture the spirit of this hymn; sometimes a lone voice, then engulfed by supporting voices, adds to the message and feeling   Everlasting Joy CD  The Harbor Lights Family Group 
 It Is Well With My Soul - The truth of this sacred, favorite hymn is emphasized by a large choir; what an encouragement to hear a throng of voices proclaim… "It is well with my soul!"    Hymns for All Ages CD  Prairie Choristers  Mixed Choir
 What a Savior    O What A Savior  Brothers In Hymn  Men's Quartet
 8  Bright New World    Bright New World CD  Lebanon County Youth Chorus  Youth Choir
O Sacred Head Now Wounded  banner-lamplighter.jpg Be Thou My Vision CD Schrenk Sisters Women's Group 
10  My Faith Is Clinging To Thee   Sing Me A Song About Jesus CD Calvary Quintet

Men's Quintet

11  Breathe On Me Breath Of God   Living Water CD Mountain Anthems Mixed Choir
12  The Midnight Cry   Come Bless The Lord CD Greene Mountain Men's Choir Men's Choir
13  What A Friend  banner-lamplighter.jpg He Will Carry You CD Hope Singers Mixed Choir
14  I Sing The Mighty Power Of God   Strive Aright CD Apostolic Christian Men's Sing Men's Chorus
15  The Lord Is Risen   Christ Our Rock CD Smucker Family Family Group
16  Old Rugged Cross   Since I Have Been Redeemed CD Martin Brothers Men's Group
17  Peace Be Still   The Light From The Lighthouse CD Blue Rock Mennonite Youth Mixed Youth Chorus
18  Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus   Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus CD Ohio Men's Group Men's Group
19  Open The Wells Of Salvation   Christian Friendship CD Latty Apostolic Christians Mixed Choir
20 God's In Control   The Search Is Over CD Miller Four Family Group


Selected Charity: Midwest Food Bank

As a faith based organization it is the mission of Midwest Food Bank to alleviate hunger and poverty by gathering and distributing food donations to not-for-profits and disaster sites without cost to the recipients.

"Our hope is to bridge the gap between prosperity and poverty in our community." - David Kieser, Founder & President

Midwest Food Bank (MFB), a faith-based, non-denominational nonprofit 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, was started in 2003 when the Kieser family began providing food out of a barn on their family farm.  MFB began by serving about 10 food pantries in McLean County, Illinois.

After Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, Midwest Food Bank decided to help.  Days after the storm hit, we took the first load of food and supplies to Hattiesburg, MS. 

We were asked by The Salvation Army to bring ten more loads to meet the needs of the populace. By June, 2007, we had taken 130 loads of food and supplies to the Gulf Coast.

The amount of food we distribute has steadily grown over the years as we strive to fight hunger.  We receive donated food from food manufacturers, distributors, grocers, community and organizational food drives, and from individual donors. Today, we operate from six large warehouses in Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, and Florida. International operations started in 2014 in Kenya, Africa! 

Our locations in the Midwest, South, and overseas allow for us to serve over 900 non-profit organizations while also maintaining a ready posture to come to the aid of those affected by regional or national disasters. We distribute over $6.85 million in food each month. Midwest Food Bank functions today as it did at its founding: a faith-based community organization consisting of hundreds of volunteers, generous donors, and corporate partners, all operating to serve those in need.


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